I have no idea who created this picture. I found on Google while searching for shark vore. But who cares,
it's nice!

These are pictures from the movie "Deep blue sea" where one of the lovely reasearchers is eaten by a shark. First
one is just before she is grabbed, and the second one is...well, you know. Sorry about the relativly poor quality
of the second picture, but it was the only one I could find on the internet. The first one came from http://www.preview-online.com/july_august/feature_articles/deepbluesea/blue2.html
The second one came from horrordvds.com
one more thing. I know that my policy on this site is (no blood) but for these pictures i'll make an exception
because...well...I like the outfit the girl's wearing!

These pictures are from the movie "Shark Zone". These pictures show two people getting munched by sharks.
I like the second one, even if it is a bit fake. These pictures can be found at Jabootu.com

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copyright Darkraptor1 |

photo manipulation by Darkraptor1 |

photo manipulation by Darkraptor1 |

Photo manipulation by Darkraptor1 |

photo manipulatin by Darkraptor1 |
This page was last updated: September 15th, 2005